Our team of skilled operators and scientific experts are commited to find the best solution to your requests. They keep up to date by assisting in regular training programmes and participate in scientific conferences worldwide. Meanwhile, they make sure that all our equipment remains up and running.
Meet our customer contact team members

Mélanie Gauvin
Controlling of microstructure and surface conditions in the nanometer range is a complex task. At the same time, it is ever more important in the development and successful deployment of new materials and associated coatings or surface technologies. Being fascinated by advanced materials, it is great to unravel their properties by combining high-end equipments like X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, ToF-SIMS … Different techniques all add a piece to the puzzle and together they solve customers’ questions.
Mélanie obtained her PhD in Material sciences from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2008. After postdocs at the University of California in San Diego and the Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Objects at INSA Toulouse, she joined OCAS in 2016.

Davit Melkonyan
Atom probe tomography is a unique technique opening a view to a fascinating nano-scale world. Over the past decade, more than once I was pleasantly surprised by the APT revelations which helped improving fundamental understanding of materials’ properties as well as solving real life problems. I believe that APT is a highly valuable technique for materials’ characterisation and I’m looking forward to tackle new challenges.
Davit graduated in nano-science and nano-technology from the KU Leuven Universtiy. In 2013, he started his PhD on “Atomic scale observation of atom distributions in 3D devices using Atom Probe Tomography” in close collaboration with imec. Davit joined OCAS in 2018 and continues to focus on new developments using APT.

Vahid Samaee
TEM opens the door to the nano-scale world of materials. It is an irreplaceable tool for microstructural investigation and analytical analysis. It is the only way to “see” how the atoms are arranged together shaping grains, boundaries, and defects. Fascinating to study how these atoms react during heating, cooling, strain and other external stimuli.
Vahid has a solid background in materials characterization techniques and TEM, FIB/SEM in particular, incl. image processing and data analysis.Vahid started working with TEM in 2015 during his PhD at University of Antwerp. He recently joined OCAS and continues to explore the microstructural world by TEM.